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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Keepsake Boxes - A Simple & Easy Way To Store Precious Memories!

Keepsake Boxes are essentially memory boxes. They're usually made from wood and are designed to store mementos of significant events, usually beginning with a child's birth. However, keepsake boxes can be limited to a child's early years and for adult events.

 Polmac Baby Keepsake Boxes With Crocodile & Frog Motifs

It's usual to have one keepsake box per person and to personalize it with the name, date of birth and a photo of that person

As momentos can be collected over a lifetime, keepsake boxes need to be large and robust enough to resist constant wear and tear.

They're an easy way to preserve precious memories and scores of different mementos of various shapes and sizes can be stored.

These can include a hospital wrist band and measuring tape, the babies umbilical cord (in a sealed plastic bag), baby bottles, clothing, photos, videos, birthday cards, wedding cards etc

Polmac Baby Keepsake Boxes With Ballerina & Lion Motifs

Momentos from events such as christenings, first communion, birthdays and weddings, in later years, can be added at the appropriate time.

Once you've got your momentos, it's usually a good idea to attach a note to them, particularly if it's not immediately obvious what they represent.

Polmac (UK) Ltd manufactures, custom made, wood, baby keepsake boxes and keepsake boxes used to store memories for other specific events.  

They're beautifully made, versatile and terrific value, meaning they're ideal and strong enough to  store a lifetime of precious memories.

Polmac keepsake boxes have hinged lids, secured with brass or zinc plated, metal catches and 90 degree, metal stays to keep the lids in the upright position.

For a truly stunning finish, our baby keepsake boxes are hand painted in background pastel colours and decorative motifs, such as butterflies, hearts, animals and cartoon characters, depending upon the particular theme, or effect required!

Polmac keepsakes boxes should always be kept a secret, as children will be thrilled when they are finally old enough to understand their significance.


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