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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Small Wooden Boxes - A Delicate Balance Between Function & Design

People, through the ages have always been intrigued by small wooden boxes because they provide pleasure for both the craftsman and the owner. Whenever, they see a small wooden box, they seem unable to resist picking it up, feeling the sensuous quality of the wood and opening the lid to see what's inside.

Polmac Perfume Boxes

Over the centuries craftsmen have experimented and developed many techniques to make wooden boxes as appealing as possible. So, a large variety of woods have been used and unusual shapes and designs, lid types, decorations, finishes, hinges and fasteners have been developed.

In the commercial world, the challenge is always to create wood presentation boxes that are not only functional but also look good, so they're visually appealing and therefore as marketable as possible. These two qualities usually go together.

Owners enjoy the visual and tactile appeal of wooden boxes, sensations that are evident whenever the box is opened. They react emotionally to the size and scale of a wooden box. Generally, the smaller the box the greater the emotional charge.

In order to preserve the visual and functional appeal of small wooden boxes, consideration has to be given to the ironmongery that's used. This means that the kind of hinges and fasteners and the method of fixing must be carefully considered, so as to maintain that delicate balance between function and design.

Attaching A Metal Fastener With Steel Pins

Polmac (UK) Ltd therefore uses concealed metal hinges that are fixed at the back of the box in a specially formed v-groove feature that serves as a 'stop' to restrain the lid in an upright (90 degree) position, when opened.

We have a wide range of metal fasteners that are designed to suit every situation. Generally, fasteners are polished brass, or zinc plated with a plain or decorated finish, depending upon the clients' preferences.

However, special finishes can also be supplied including solid brass, bronze and black plated fasteners (subject to availability). Non-standard fixings such as magnetic fasteners are popular because they maintain the clean visual lines of the box.

Fasteners for small boxes tend to be small in order to preserve the visual quality and scale of the box and they're normally fixed with four steel pins, hammered home at a slight angle to maintain a solid fixing throughout the life of the box.

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