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Monday 15 May 2017

Why Use Wood To Manufacture Whisky Boxes?

For centuries whisky distilleries have stored their whiskies in oak barrels or barrels made from other 'pure' woods, to give the whisky it's 'flavour'.

Oak is most often used because it has unique, physical and chemical characteristics that seem ideal for whiskey making!

Oak Whisky Barrels

Whisky derives it's colour and character from direct contact with the wood, particularly if the barrels have previously been used to store different spirits such as rum, sherry and red wine.

In fact, many Scottish and other distilleries around the world use barrels previously used to store bourbon to age their whiskey and this process takes a minimum three years.

When these oak barrels reach the end of their useful life for whisky production, they may be ground down into wood chips and used in barbecues, or sold off to be made into quirky pub furniture!

It is this traditional connection in the production of whiskey that makes wood resonate so well with the 'elixir of life'. In fact, wood is the only material that can transcend a purely functional product into one that is truly beautiful! Yes, it's true!

Other materials such as aluminium, cardboard as well as fibreglass try to mimic the warmth and natural beauty of wood but fail to do so.

Wood whiskey boxes provide incomparable design and finishing possibilities that add real 'value' to the whisky inside, even if it's a 'special' and an extremely valuable distillation!

Furthermore, choosing wood for packaging whiskey boxes will give whiskies, particularly single-malt whiskies, that crucial competitive edge, because the unique quality of wood will make them stand out from the crowd!

Inherent characteristics such as colour, texture, grain and lustre all come into play in wood's visual appeal. For instance, a wood that has lustre appears to have a natural sheen that's difficult if not impossible to replicate in other materials!

Wood from the same tree may look the same but there are always differences due to it's organic nature! These are the subtle qualities that make wood such a beautiful, diverse and desirable material in the manufacture of whisky boxes.

For more information visit http://www.polmacuk.com
Tak a wee dram afore ye go!

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